Chances are, Samsung will release a Galaxy S5 Mini. We’ve been talking about the phone for a while now just on the expectation that Samsung would follow on with the tradition of launching a mini version of its flagship, but in the last couple months things started getting much more specific. We’ve heard about a couple potential model numbers that could represent this device, and most recently we even saw official mention of the name “S5 Mini” on one of Samsung’s own sites. We’re back to looking at Samsung itself for evidence this afternoon, with possible confirmation for one of those previously rumored model numbers.
Just about one month back, at the start of April, we shared with you a rumor that didn’t just detail a number of possible GS5 Mini hardware specs, but also offered the model number SM-G800 (in contrast to the full-sized GS5 being SM-G900). That was one number we saw before, wondering if it might be a GS5 Neo, but more recent reports have suggested the Neo would be SM-G750 (itself another Mini candidate at one time).
Today we see a landing page set up over at a Samsung Finnish site for model SM-G800F. While there’s nothing too substantive to the listing, it’s at least some degree of acknowledgment that this model is on its way. We also catch the same SM-G800F variant turning up a bunch in India’s Zauba import database, and the most recent entries there also help confirm a 4.5-inch screen size.


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